Redelijk Eigenzinnig nodigt tijdens vijf lezing avonden verschillende internationaal gerenomeerde sprekers uit. Het doel van deze lezingen is om inzichten en standpunten vanuit verschillende wetenschappelijke disciplines te introduceren op het centrale thema DRUGS. Academici, onderzoekers, professionals en actieve burgers gaan in gesprek met de studenten en het brede publiek. De lezingen zijn toegankelijk voor het publiek - zonder registratie - en vinden plaats in verschillende Brusselse auditoria.

︎Campus VUB, I(i).0.02
Jules Netherland (US)

Julie ("Jules") Netherland, PhD, focuses on the critical study of drugs, medicine, science and addiction. She has published over a dozen peer-reviewed journal articles, including, "White Opioids: Pharmaceutical Race and The War on Drugs that Wasn’t," (with Helena Hansen), in Biosocieties. In 2023, she published, Whiteout: How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America (UC Press, 2023), with Helena Hansen (UCLA) and David Herzberg (University of Buffalo). Whiteout examines how current media discourse, clinical interventions, medical technologies, and policy responses to the opioid epidemic are racialized in the U.S., highlighting the role of whiteness and racial capitalism.

Netherland is also the managing director of the Department of Research and Academic Engagement at the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) based in New York City.  She works on a number of issues, such as helping academics become more effective policy advocates, ensuring DPA's policy work is grounded in research and evidence, and promoting a health approach to drug policy. She holds a PhD in sociology from The Graduate Center, CUNY, a Masters in Social Work from Boston University, and B.A. from Bryn Mawr College.

Teun Voeten studied cultural anthropology and philosophy at Leiden university. As a war photographer he covered conflicts since 1990, such as former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Colombia, Afghanistan and Syria for magazines such as Vanity Fair and National Geographic. Voeten wrote books on the underground homeless in New York, the civil war in Sierra Leone and wrote a PhD thesis on the drug violence in Mexico. For the city of Antwerp, he researched drug related crime and the link with the Dutch narco trade. Voeten just wrote a book on global trends in the world of crystal meth.

︎DeBuren Leopoldstraat 6, 1000 Brussels
Teun Voeten
in conversation w/ Yve Driesen (NL/BE)

︎VUB Campus, U-Residence
Tessa Parkes (UK)

Tessa is Professor of Substance Use and Inclusion Health at the University of Stirling. She is the founding Director of the Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, a community-university partnership created in 2017 to undertake research and knowledge exchange of direct relevance to the organisation. Tessa leads research and knowledge exchange projects focused on the reduction of harms and promotion of health and wellbeing for those impacted by social and health inequalities, including alcohol and drug related harms. She is a keen supporter of research careers and works to make academia a good place to study and work, especially for those who have experienced exclusion. She has been involved in all of the Scottish Government advisory committees for drugs since 2014, and was awarded Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2022 for her contribution to the field of social science. Before coming into academia Tessa worked in the statutory and non-statutory health, social care and housing/ homelessness sectors as a front-line support worker, team leader, and mental health nurse.

Stephen Snelders is a Dutch historian. In 1999 he received his PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for his dissertation on the history of LSD. Since then he has published extensively on different aspects of the history of drugs. His latest book is Drug Smuggler Nation: Narcotics and the Netherlands, 1920-1995 (Manchester University Press 2021, 2023; a popular version in Dutch was published under the title Drugssmokkelland). His research interests include the history of crime and of tropical medicine. Since 2015 Stephen is researcher and lecturer in the history and philosophy of science at Utrecht University, Faculty of Science.

︎RESET,de Lignestraat 8, 1000 Brussel
Stephen Snelders (NL)


︎VUB Campus, PILAR

Daniel Brombacher (DE)

Daniel Brombacher is the head of the “Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD)” at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and under the political auspices of the Commissioner of the Federal Government of Germany for Drugs and Addiciton Policies. The program is based in Berlin, Bonn, Eschborn, Bangkok, Bogotá, Lilongwe and Tirana. He holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Freiburg and has edited and authored numerous publications on drug policies, development and organized crime. He is currently also a member of the Strategy Committee and Board of the LSE Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, member of the Board of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC), and member of the network of experts of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC).

Met de structurele steun van deMens.nu en het Humanistisch verbond Brussel Hoofdstedelijk Gewest